Hello ladies and gentlemen, your pal Muldoon here with this week's interesting selection of short films from AICN readers like you and me. As typically is the case, this week is wildly all over the place, so whatever you're expecting... throw that fun out the window, sit back, and open up to the talent below. We've got weird creatures, comedy, time travel, and a some damn cool visuals all here in the heart of AICN for your viewing pleasures. Chances are the filmmakers are in the audience, so if you see something you really dig - shoot off your thoughts in the talkbacks below. Or hey, if you've got some healthy criticism, I can't imagine the filmmakers would have any issues with critiques, provided they're well-written and are coming from a good place ("Don't be an asshole.") So let's jump right on in. Let's kick this weekly film fest of ours off right and get the party rolling.
Go grab yourself some popcorn, lock your kids in a closet, kill the lights, relax and check out this little weekly film fest we've got ourselves here:
TRT: 6:11
To kick this week off right, let's watch a "vintage" film featuring the migration patterns of... of some rather bizarre oddities. The film comes to us via its creators, Fluorescent Hill. "A vintage nature film explores the migratory pattern of a herd of wild creatures." If you like what you see, fly over to their website for more info on the two and their projects.
Migration from Fluorescent Hill on Vimeo.
TRT: 4:01
I don't typically screen music videos here, that is unless they're visually incredible. Our next video is just that, incredible. James Chappell has done it again, this time with a soundtrack provided by Broadhurst. Be sure to check out Chappell's website for more "beautifully out there" music videos.
BROADHURST | Little Lover from James Chappell on Vimeo.
TRT: 15:32
Next up is a TV show concept from Matt Kollar and Space Barbarians Productions all about Dracula. "It's got gore, Demon fights, and bad puns" - just the type of TV show for me. "Ever since they moved to the Public Domain Dracula and Madre Ganso have just wanted to be rich and famous again, and what better way for washed up celebrities to be rich and famous than to create their very own TV Show? Unfortunately after hiring a film crew and building a "Spooky" set in their roommate Janet Van Helsing's bedroom things go a little "Horrible" when a film crew Intern interacts with one of Jan's cursed artifacts. Lights! Camera! Demonic Possession! Won't you join us for another Horrible Adventure?" Be sure to check out the Space Barbarians Productions website for more info on what they're up to!
The Horrible Adventures of Dracula and Madre Ganso from Space Barbarians Productions on Vimeo.
TRT: 19:52
TJ Ramini and Jeremy Storey have our next film. "When his wife is killed in a car accident, author, Nick Francis, writes a book about grief. It becomes an international sensation and catapults Nick to guru-like status, with millions of fans claiming his book, saved their lives. But fame and fortune have brought Nick no closer to peace and the adoration of his "fans" only reminds him of the life he can never get back. Or can he? An encounter with a mysterious neighbor transports Nick back in time to the very day his wife died! Can this be real or is it all a dream? Or was the accident and the subsequent book all part of some elaborate nightmare? Nick may well have to choose between one reality and the other." The filmmakers are currently in prep on their next short, TOWER OF STRENGTH, which they expect to shoot next year.
TRT: 9:25
Mark Grabianowski has our last film of the day. “MESSIAH is about Courtney, a young woman arriving home one autumn evening, to find a religious pamphlet at her door. Unfortunately, she ignores the the pamphlet leading to a visit from a mysterious visitor who convinces Courtney to let her enter the house. Little does Courtney, know that this mysterious visitor is the leader of a satanic cult whose only purpose is to capture Courtney for their ritual. Running for her safety, Courtney discovers that she has been forsaken by the one she loves most." Check out the film's website and Facebook Page if you want to find out more on the film.
MESSIAH from Mark Grabianowski on Vimeo.
Boom! That's it for this week, folks. I'll see you all a week from now with a handful of short films you might want to check out.
In the mean time, check out past articles and you just might find a film that rocks your universe!
The Off Season; Why Does My Girlfriend Text So Much?; Landscape; The Magician (1/3/15)
Atropa; Good Conduct; Ulla; Blackouts; Pizza And Bullets (1/10/15)
Vicki; Strange Thing; Kill The K-Cup; The Grandson; The Dark Walk Backward (1/24/15)
Leonard In Slow Motion; A Good Man Is Hard To Findl The Baker; Certified; Chloe (1/31/15)
Old/New; Alexia; The Beating; Temblor; Royal Blood "Out of the Black" (2/7/15)
Hibernation; Good Morning; Refrigerator; Bar Talk; A Lady & A Robot (2/15/15)
Fish Friend; The Outer Darkness (Part 1); Bus Stop; Don't Look There; Valentine (2/21/15)
The Gold Sparrow; The Brain Hack; Blood Drinker; Meet Your Maker; Al Pacino As Han Solo (2/28/15)
The Pavement; Breathe; The Black Rock Mountain; Plain Clothes; Whispers (3/7/15)
Sequence; Teasers; Static; I do; Point Of Interest (3/14/15)
Moonwatch; Robert's Circle; Tongues; No more Tomorrows; Slit (3/22/15)
Terminal; Windscreenwiperman; Ringo; Sunglasses; Sundays (3.28.15)
Trunk Troubels; The Last Time I Saw Richard; One Thousand Years; Tourists; Tides Of Change (4/4/15)
Moments; SBCR | The Grid; If One Plays Music; One In A Million; Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4 (4/11/15)
Burnt Grass; Manicorn; Dear Friend; L'invitation Au Voyage (4/18/15)
Bad Guy #2; State Zero; No Help; Attack of the Brainsuckers; Super Mario Taken (5/23/15)
Predator: Dark Ages; Imprints; Back To The Fuhrer; Crime And Punishment (5/30/15)
Frames; Crow Hand; Streamline; Good Treatment; Remains; Scorpion Vs. Jason (6/6/15)
Dollar Night; A Modern Marriage; Hideaway; Jurassic World Trailer Parody (6/13/15)
Waterborne; Gotcher; Bloomers; Savage | Like Michael Jackson; A Killer Of Men (6/21/15)
The White Wolf; What You Can Burn; Pedal; Domestic Protocol; Grady Franey - Safe Word (6/27/15)
Meltdown; Blood From A Stone; The Gate; Memorize; Abe; The Visitant (7/4/15)
The Lamp; Time To Kill; Woodchuck City; A Good Fish; The Untrained (7/25/15)
Night Before The Morning Sun; Exit Strategy; DEADline Dawn; Derby City Rollergirls (8/22/15)
Whistle; Becoming; City In Crisis; Las Cosas Raras (8/29/15)
Grand Zero; Gummi; Dave Ruins Wedding; Andras Ostrom - Massive Sonata; Thoughts (9/5/15)
Bookie; Coup Mirage: Destroying The Illusion; Redaction; Wicked Sway; Double Trouble (9/26/15)
Bobby & The Samurai; The Pale Moonlight; Sector Zero 4; Singularity; Valentine Surprise (10/10/15)
Mineral; The Challenger; One Behind; Charile; Frank & Zed Official Trailer (10/17/15)
Time After Time; &U&I - The Artist; Future Loins; Hippo Funk; Jurassic Job Hunt (10/24/15)
If you have a short and think it belongs here or are on the fence about whether to send it in, please do send it in - I'd love to see what you've put together. I've already seen hundreds of fresh new filmmakers' shorts and like any good addict, I need more!
Shoot me an email at "Mike@aintitcool.com"
In the subject line include:
“SHORTS” + “Your film’s name” + “The film’s genre”
Then, in the body of the email, please include a synopsis of the film and any contact information you might think I need or would want published. The more info you send my way, the more info there is to put with your short.
Please don’t feel the need to submit multiple times.
Remember, the filmmakers might still be in the audience, so feel free to share your thoughts in Talkbacks below. (JUST DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE). I picked them, so you know I think highly of all of these, but how about you fine folks? How'd you like 'em?
BY THE WAY: If you've had a short featured here, that means that I personally am a fan of your work, so feel free to shoot me any kind of news on new projects/films/whatever. I can't say I'll be able to help or in what capacity, but I'm interested in your work and am always down to see more! (Keep making cool stuff, everyone!)
- Mike McCutchen