This poster is perfect for someone like me, who doesn’t need more than this film’s cast and crew credits to get me into the theater. It doesn’t really give away anything about the story, choosing to emphasize the snowy location the film's set in, flourished by those badass sparks creeping in from the side of the frame.
Seriously, they don’t even mention Leo, Tom Hardy, or Inarritu’s names anywhere on this poster. I guess the idea is if you think the flick looks cool, you can Google it. Or that the film will catch on like wildfire (hence the sparks), to the point that you go, “Oh, that’s that movie Leo did with the BIRDMAN guy! Looks cool!"
Either way, this poster’s gorgeous, simple, and evocative, and I love it. Thoughts?
THE REVENANT opens limited on Christmas, before expanding on January 8th, 2016.