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Red Tornado to crash SUPERGIRL this premiere season!!!


Hey folks, Harry here...  Are you paying attention to DC TV?   FLASH just completed a fairly frigging amazing first season, that they're expanding to this LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, that it seems ARROW might be hitting a new gear with the impending season - and well, the second season of THE FLASH sounds like a dream.   But SUPERGIRL...  I just don't know.  Word I got from folks watching the pilot was a bit dodgy.  But they really need to nail their female superhero television star!   Supergirl could be so amazing if handled right, but a crashed spaceship of Kryptonian criminals isn't really what I'm wanting.   But then a release came out this day announcing that Iddo Goldberg has been cast as Dr. T.O. Morrow, the creator of the RED TORNADO - and from the wording of their release - it seemed to indicated that Iddo might be responsible for both the role of Dr. Morrow as well as the Scarlet Whirlwind!

I hope that SUPERGIRL finds it's legs as this season goes.  Kara is a wonderful character, but she doesn't need to be portrayed as a bit of a ditzy dame, she's better than that.  But... the friggin Red Tornado is breaking into the DC TV-verse - and we know how ARROW, FLASH and LEGENDS OF TOMORROW love to have characters from the other shows - and we know John Constantine is showing up...  so - RED TORNADO is going to be entering the mix.

Personally I'm counting the moments to more FLASH and LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, but if the folks behind DC TV can correctly handle SUPERGIRL, that'll be fine.   Then...  Give me a Harley & Ivy series - I'd love to see a show with those two, where they try to go straight, but can't help themselves...  I'd love to see them sent to Arkham for a bit, escape...   Unleash the bad girls!





Keep it cool,

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