Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. There's a great interview with writer Lawrence Kasdan over at Vanity Fair as part of their big Star Wars: The Force Awakens blitz that's worth a read just because Kasdan is an interesting guy, but there's a throwaway bit at the end that got my brainjuices flowing.
The interviewer, Bruce Handy, brings up Lando and whether or not we'll see him pop up again in the Star Wars Cinematic Universe. This was Kasdan's reply:
Right now, there’s no Lando Calrissian in this movie. But Lando I don’t think is finished in any way, shape, or form.
Awwwwww, yeah. We already know that Billy Dee Williams has verbally resurrected Lando to great success in Star Wars Rebels, but could this indicate he's in the running to pop up in Episodes 8 or 9? I'm not so sure. I'm thinking we could revisit Lando in one of the Star Wars Anthology films. I mean, if the rumor is true that they're looking at doing a young Han Solo film then I'd bet good money that Lando will be tied up in that.
As much as I'd love to see Billy Dee strap the cape on again I won't be crushed if Kasdan's words translate into a younger version of the character in a one-off flick. The character is just too cool to not revisit, no?
-Eric Vespe
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