Hello ladies and gentlemen, your pal Muldoon here with this week's SATURDAY SHORTS - your *weekly film festival here in the heart of AICN. 99% of all the films I've been lucky enough to share with you folks here have been created and submitted by fellow AICN readers, and today's no different. Each of the films below has been sent in by the filmmakers and chances are - they'll be lurking around the Talkbacks below, so please feel more than free to share your thoughts (love/hate) and maybe ask a question, just be respectful (please) and perhaps they'll respond. In case you're wondering "Muldoon, where were you last week? I needed my short film fix and you weren't there - come on, dude!" Welp, I'll be honest - my day job occasionally runs long (12-13 hour days Mon-Friday/occasional Saturdays) and last weekend on top of having a freshly broken laptop screen (you might even say, "a bad Apple...") - getting to a computer and having the time to sit down and block out distractions/write, I simply didn't have the time. Trust me, excuses don't mean jack all in my world, but hopefully if you were a little let down then - today's line up will brighten up your day. Today we have six shorts (one's a music video) that I think pretty highly of. It's also my birthday, so I'm beyond pleased that I get to shine some light on some great projects as a part of it. So enough random Myspace Style jibber-jabber, let's get this show on the road and check out some great pieces!
Go grab yourself some popcorn, lock your kids in a closet, kill the lights, relax and check out this little weekly film fest we've got ourselves here:
TRT: 5:17
Let's start this party off right, with a cartoon! Luke Freitag is back with a fun sci-fi/comedy that fills a bit of nostalgic Saturday Morning Cartoon fun for me. "When history's greatest poets are being kidnapped it's up to Nick and Rex, a time traveling robot and dinosaur, to stop an angsty teenage automaton from writing history's saddest poem." You might remember Freitag's previous short, BOBBY BEATS, when it was featured here a while back. Be sure to hit up Luke's website if you're curious about what all he's up to!
TRT: 5:07
Next up we've got a rather simple premise, but filled to the brim with gory pleasure (if you're into that sort of thing). It's fun. Jody Fedele, along with his brother Jon clearly had fun making this film and it shows. "Two grave robbers get more than they bargain for when the meet up with The Security Guards." Interestingly enough, this is actually part of a larger film, kind of like the Josh Hartnett short at the front of SIN CITY. The brothers are working on a feature called THE MONSTER MASTER and plan to include this as part of it. "Two grave robbers get more than they bargain for when the meet up with The Security Guards." Best of luck with the feature, guys!
The Security Guards from Jody Fedele on Vimeo.
TRT: 4:32
Director Johnny Bones has our next little bit of awesome, a fantasy/horror music video. I don't typically show music videos here unless they tell some sort of story and this one certainly does. "A practical creature effects Fantasy/Horror Music Video, about a girl who triumphs over the darkness that lurks in the black forest." It has incredible creatures and is beautifully shot and designed. While my musical tastes are more Tool/Led Zepplin, I found the musician to have a beautiful voice as well - so it's win-win-win. This one i felt I just had to share. I'm curious to see what comes next from Mr. Bones.
VYLA VICE "Come With Me" ft. Mayeda - Official Music Video from Johnny Bones Productions on Vimeo.
TRT: 6:36
Our next film just felt "sweet" and absolutely worth sharing. It's an experimental musical comedy from directors Alex Grybauskas and Josh Sachs. It's an odd one, but a good one. The driectors describe the film as "a (mostly) silent film about a guy, a radio, and the music we each have inside us" and I think that's a perfect summary of what it is. It might just put a smile on your face and hey, if you feel like seeing what else they are up to - click on over to their website and poke around!
MEL - a short film from Alex Grybauskas on Vimeo.
TRT: 4:59
Jimmy Loweree brings us our next film, a twisted tale of drugged out kidnapping victim. "A woman is kept sedated by a cold-blooded kidnapper, but her free will is something worth fighting for." While it's not horror, it most definitely is genre and contains some rather impressive action. If you like what you see, then perhaps you'll want to check out the Unbundled Underground Vimeo page and see what all else Jimmy's putting out there!
STRINGS from UnbundledUnderground on Vimeo.
TRT: 14:43
Brian Rosenthal and Team WTFLOL are back with a damn fun flick that's chock full of campy goodness. In case the title didn't give it away, Brian and team give us their 14 minute answer to "What would happen if Jason Vorhees ever crossed paths with Sarah Connor?" It's great! It's also part of a webseries, so be sure to check in at the Team WTFLOL Youtube Channel for more and more "slash ups."
BOOM! That's it for this week ladies and gents. I'll catch you all back here a week from now with a handful of fun films I think you might want to check out. In the mean time: good golf, good tennis, or whatever makes you happy.
The Off Season; Why Does My Girlfriend Text So Much?; Landscape; The Magician (1/3/15)
Atropa; Good Conduct; Ulla; Blackouts; Pizza And Bullets (1/10/15)
Vicki; Strange Thing; Kill The K-Cup; The Grandson; The Dark Walk Backward (1/24/15)
Leonard In Slow Motion; A Good Man Is Hard To Findl The Baker; Certified; Chloe (1/31/15)
Old/New; Alexia; The Beating; Temblor; Royal Blood "Out of the Black" (2/7/15)
Hibernation; Good Morning; Refrigerator; Bar Talk; A Lady & A Robot (2/15/15)
Fish Friend; The Outer Darkness (Part 1); Bus Stop; Don't Look There; Valentine (2/21/15)
The Gold Sparrow; The Brain Hack; Blood Drinker; Meet Your Maker; Al Pacino As Han Solo (2/28/15)
The Pavement; Breathe; The Black Rock Mountain; Plain Clothes; Whispers (3/7/15)
Sequence; Teasers; Static; I do; Point Of Interest (3/14/15)
Moonwatch; Robert's Circle; Tongues; No more Tomorrows; Slit (3/22/15)
Terminal; Windscreenwiperman; Ringo; Sunglasses; Sundays (3.28.15)
Trunk Troubels; The Last Time I Saw Richard; One Thousand Years; Tourists; Tides Of Change (4/4/15)
Moments; SBCR | The Grid; If One Plays Music; One In A Million; Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4 (4/11/15)
Burnt Grass; Manicorn; Dear Friend; L'invitation Au Voyage (4/18/15)
If you have a short and think it belongs here or are on the fence about whether to send it in, please do send it in - I'd love to see what you've put together. I've already seen hundreds of fresh new filmmakers' shorts and like any good addict, I need more!
Shoot me an email at "Mike@aintitcool.com"
In the subject line include:
“SHORTS” + “Your film’s name” + “The film’s genre”
Then, in the body of the email, please include a synopsis of the film and any contact information you might think I need or would want published. The more info you send my way, the more info there is to put with your short.
Please don’t feel the need to submit multiple times.
Remember, the filmmakers might still be in the audience, so feel free to share your thoughts in Talkbacks below. (JUST DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE). I picked them, so you know I think highly of all of these, but how about you fine folks? How'd you like 'em?
BY THE WAY: If you've had a short featured here, that means that I personally am a fan of your work, so feel free to shoot me any kind of news on new projects/films/whatever. I can't say I'll be able to help or in what capacity, but I'm interested in your work and am always down to see more! (Keep making cool stuff, everyone!)
- Mike McCutchen