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Alex Garland to make a post-apocalyptic horror flick with Natalie Portman!?!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. There's a post-apocalyptic horror movie in the works and I didn't know about it? I must be slipping in my old age! And Alex Garland is attached to direct? Who what now?

The movie is called Annihilation and was adapted by Garland from a book of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer. The story centers on a biologist journeying into a cordoned off area of the continent called Area X in search of clues to her husband's disappearance. She's not the first. Many groups have gone and come back, some groups saying the place is a new Eden and some all committing mass suicide shortly after their return.

It's a cool concept that is shrouded in mystery. What's in this landscape? Why do different people react differently to it? I'm gonna Kindle the hell out of these books!

So, Paramount is gonna make this movie with Garland, hot off of Ex Machina, at the helm and according to THR they might have found their lead biologist in none other than Miss Natalie Portman.



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-Eric Vespe
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