Hello ladies and gentlemen, here's a lovely wrap up listing all of 2014's SATURDAY SHORTS articles. Within this list is a treasure trove of talent, a smorgasbord of unique visions from filmmakers across the world. So go ahead and click a random link - I'm 100% you'll find something you like. Here's looking to 2015!
The Misinventions of Milo Weatherby; Lifted; The Rinsing; Ashes; M is For Maltese (1/25/14)
Rivotanana; End Of Dates; First Date; The Last Girl (2/1/14)
Cockatoo; Hematiet; SLR; Sheridan; A Horny Ghost Named Buster (2/8/14)
Poppetje; In Vain; The World Is Burning; The Central Park Snowman Project; Mission (2/22/14)
La Boca De Leon; Bedbug; Wax; Skin; Something (3/1/14)
Luna; Logan Must Make Star Wars; Rocco; No Strings Attached; Blessing In Disguise (3/8/14)
Plastic Love; Audrey Moon River; The Afrobats; The Flying Lesson; Strike (3/15/14)
Timeholes; Child Eater; Walter Don't Dance; Low Hanging Fruit; Love Hitch (3/29/14)
House of Thrones; The Hunt; Tumbleweed!; Tolerated; The Colour of Her Eyes (4/5/14)
#PostModem; No Help; The Hobbit Games; College Romance; Lost Voice (4/12/14)
Book 1; Compliments; Twiller Parkour #2; They Say; Bikini Girls Vs. Dinosaurs Trailer (4/19/14)
Chomp!; NSFL; In The Black; Everyone's A Comedian; Zenith (4/26/14)
Caterwaul; First Sight; Man Vs. Woman; Say Cheese; The Train (5/17/14)
Booby Traps; Hard Love; That Guitar Man; Ask An Astronomy Brain Parasite; Dada (5/24/14)
Fear, Inc.; Lights Out; 2AM: The Smiling Man; Sneeze; The Music of Erika Zahn (6/21/14)
Mis-Drop; Mech: Human Trials; The Sunman; Time Travel Lover (7/5/14)
Sky-Caper; Goodnight Harvey; Bro; Buck Shot; The Art of Motion; Ticked Off (7/12/14)
Foam Drive Renegades; How To Survive Working 9 To 5; Fantastic Foe; Abinormal; Banana Seat (7/19/14)
Tiny Dancer; Spacewalk; Sissy Boy; Witchfinder; Uncanny Valley (7/26/14)
Bobby Beats; Birth; I Am Become Death; In A Dream; A Bloody Shade of Red (8/2/14)
Between Days; Blue Balls; The Amazingly Ordinary Story; The Gunfighter; Short Love Story (8/9/14)
Rise Of The Kitchen Appliances; The Apprentice; The Koan; White Meat (8/30/14)
Common Shiner's "Social Mediasochist;" Antiheroes; Tandem; The Answer (9/20/14)
Where The Red Fox Lies; The Keeper; Envoy; Spontaneous Amphetamines; The Golden Ticket (9/27/14)
Mouse-X; The Hitch; Dosing; Nightwatch; Resignation (10/4/14)
Sea Devil; Star Wars VII: Comedy Sketch; The Archivist; Office Guys; The Halloween Costume (11/1/14)
Breathe; Strangers; You Only Die Once; Sunrise With Earth (11/9/14)
Phoenix 9; La Loteria; Quentin and Lisa... At The Grocery Store; Oppenheimer (11/15/14)
Little Old Lady; Green Eyed; The Mountain Below; Rejected; It's Only a Movie (11/22/14)
Counter Parts; Penguin; Self-Assembly; Loves of a Cyclops; Loud and Deep (11/30/14)
Snow Balls Deep; Employee of The Month; Golden Box; The Moped Diaries; Krampus Bells (12/6/14)
The Landing; Whipping Boy; The Ballad of Jeffrey Dahmer; Howl (12/13/14)
Date Night; Scorpion; Rat Tail; Tobias And The Tree; The Grey Matter (12/20/14)
If you have a short and think it belongs here or are on the fence about whether to send it in, please do send it in - I'd love to see what you've put together. I've already seen hundreds of fresh new filmmakers' shorts and like any good addict, I need more!
Shoot me an email at "Mike@aintitcool.com"
In the subject line include:
“SHORTS” + “Your film’s name” + “The film’s genre”
Then, in the body of the email, please include a synopsis of the film and any contact information you might think I need or would want published. The more info you send my way, the more info there is to put with your short.
Please don’t feel the need to submit multiple times.