Hey folks, Harry here...
University of Texas graduate and founder of the Hong Kong film movement, Tsui Hark has a new film that is getting limited distribution in the United States beginning January 2nd, 2015! I certainly hope that Well Go Entertainment brings the film to Austin - I'd love to see this theatrically in 3D on the big screen! It's based on a Chinese adventure novel from the late 1950's... and just from the trailer, it has many ridiculously fun moments that I can't wait to see play out in the context that Hark will present them. Check it out!!!
If, somehow, you're unfamiliar with the work of the great Tsui Hark - I suggest checking out DANGEROUS ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIRST KIND, the ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA trilogy, THE BLADE, GREEN SNAKE, ZU WARRIORS, PEKING OPERA BLUES, SEVEN SWORDS and the two DETECTIVE DEE flicks! Beyond his work as a great director, his producing work is legendary, being responsible for A CHINESE GHOST STORY, A BETTER TOMORROW 1 & 2, THE KILLER, IRON MONKEY and so much more.
This looks to be an absolute delight! Check it out!