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Behold A New Poster For STRANGE MAGIC!! From George Lucas, The Writers Of ELF And THE LION KING, And The Great Gary Rydstrom!!

Here’s a new poster for STRANGE MAGIC, a title once rumored to be associated with a FROZEN sequel or spin-off, but now understood to be a new George Lucas produced entry arriving in theaters January 23.   

The picture is directed by Gary Rydstrom (whose sound-related pedigree is breathtaking - he also helmed TOY STORY: HAWAIIAN VACATION ), who is also one of the writers on the project alongside Irene Mecchi (THE LION KING, BRAVE, and…well…PETER PAN LIVE!) and David Berenbaum (ELF).  Lucas serves as a Producer this time around, and looks to be receiving story credit as well.  


You can see a recently released trailer for the picture HERE.  It looks aesthetically awesome, but includes lines like, “Booties - prepare to be shaken!”  I’m betting that’s Lucas dialogue…




Glen Oliver





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