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James Gunn Talks About To What Extent GUARDIANS 2 Is Beholden To INFINITY WAR!!


GUARDIANS 2 title card


A few weeks ago, at Marvel’s big PHASE 3 reveal, the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY characters were featured overtly in a sizzle reel pimping the coming of the third and forth AVENGERS films - INFINITY WAR PARTS 1 and 2.  Which, by inference, implies their appearance in those pictures. 


Of course, maybe it was just an overall sizzle reel?  

IF, indeed, the Guardians characters are intended to appear in the IWs (a possibility which has been insinuated via other avenues), it’s sounding like we won’t see that set-up playing out in May 2017’s GUARDIANS sequel. At the very least, this is an interesting suggestion that the GUARDIANS follow-up will be content to more or do its own thing in its own verse for the moment...   

I don’t feel beholden to that stuff at all. I think it’s really about the Guardians and what they are doing. We’re not subservient to the Avengers. “Guardians 2″ is not a movie that’s made to move toward “Infinity War.” It’s something that’s made to move toward future cosmic movies, so I don’t feel that that is something that affects me that much.

…says returning writer/director James Gunn HERE.  

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY sequel arrives May 5, 2017.  INFINITY WAR PART I comes May 2018, with PART II blasting in May 2019.  



Glen Oliver





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