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Some Stills From ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING, A Python-esque Picture Which Is Not From Pythons But Involves Many Pythons!!


Empire has a look at ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING, a forthcoming feature which…while not a formal Monty Python movie…is certainly Python-esque in tenor, and involves some of the troop’s key players.  It’s helmed, for example, by Terry Jones.  

It’s about a man called Neil”, Jones told Empire, “a teacher in a sink secondary school, who gets given magic powers by aliens.” 




“He can make anything happen”, elaborated the director, “[but] he doesn't realise it until his colleague says, ‘What would you do if you could do anything?’ and Neil responds with, ‘I'd make an alien spaceship hit class 4C and vaporise them.’ Then there's an explosion in the school, and they run to 4C’s classroom, open the door and there's a vast hole in the ground.”

…says Jones via Empire.   

ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING will reunite Jones with Monty Python alum John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, and Michael Palin - who provide alien voices for the film.  Robin Williams apparently voiced Simon Pegg's dog in the project…



The painfully hot Kate Beckinsale will appear as well. 

ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING will hit screens in 2015.  More information about the picture, along with a few more stills, can be found HERE.  




Glen Oliver



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