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Joel and Ethan Coen to star in OCEAN'S ELEVEN'

Hey folks, Harry here and ya know what? The impending SAG strike is causing some major MAJOR musical chairs with big movies these days according to Michael Fleming's column today on VARIETY! If you want to read that article... CLICK HERE, otherwise... I want to focus on one aspect of the article...

According to Fleming, Luke and Owen Wilson seem to be dropping out of OCEAN'S ELEVEN because they are committed to starring in THE ROYAL TENNEBAUMS for Wes Anderson, with whom their loyalty springs eternal.

What this means is that the getaway drivers, Virgil and Turk Malloy are now... stranded without bodies to create them. Fleming mentions an incredibly bizarre bit of casting that INSTANTLY piqued my interest.

Apparently... the casting on this part is currently hovering with Joel and Ethan Coen.... THE COEN BROTHERS. Now... You might remember from a few months back, I described the characters as being 'fast talking, never shut up, annoying sobs that also happen to be a bit Mormon.' Wellllll.... The descriptions you hear about the Coens from their sets have been that... they tend to get their heads together... begin communicating in a secret sped up gibberish followed by shrieking giggling... It is their way. And it happens to be PERFECT FOR THIS SET OF BROTHERS FOR THIS FILM!!! I don't know if this was Clooney's or Soderbergh's idea, but dear God it's brilliant. I will formally line up around the block for OCEAN'S ELEVEN with these brothers being played by the Coens. I will giggle everytime they come on screen. Oh dear I hope this pans out.

And it might very well might. I have been hearing that Soderbergh, Clooney and the Coens have been in deep thought recently... the rumors I had heard was that Clooney and Soderbergh were going to produce TO THE WHITE SEA for the Coens, but I never could verify that... Never in my wildest dreams did I think this was what they were up to. Joel... Ethan..... DO IT!!!!!

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