PIROUETTE is a comic I’ve been developing for a quite a while with interior art from the fantastic Carlos Granda and a first issue cover by Ale Garza. The story is described as Raised from infancy by duplicitous clowns who entertain by day and menace by night, Pirouette dreams of washing the paint from her face and escaping to a better life far away from her cruel circus family… because when the spotlights dim and the crowds disperse, the clown princess’ big-top dreams give way to a nightmarish world of monsters with painted smiles. The book hits all of the coolest of cool comic shops in September, but you’ve got to tell your store owner to order it now in order to get it!
I can’t wait for folks to see the book which I promise is filled with big top terror and death-defying danger. In the coming weeks, I’ll share some behind the scenes stuff about PIROUETTE at the top of each of these “Send in the Clowns” columns along with a look at some cinematic examples of Coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) and try to get to the bottom of why clowns are so damn scary!
Here are a pair of indie films that cut right to the chase and just call themselves FEAR OF CLOWNS!

Directed by Kevin KangasWritten by Kevin Kangas
Starring Jacqueline Reres, Rick Ganz, Frank Lama, Patrick T. McGowan, Lauren Pellegrino, Christopher Lee Philips, Judith Furlow, Steven Gleich, John Patrick Barry, Jed Duvall, Mark Lassise as Shivers the Clown!
Find out more about this film here

Directed by Kevin KangasWritten by Kevin Kangas
Starring Jacqueline Reres, Frank Lama, Johnny Alonso, John C. Bailey, Mike Baldwin, Vincent T. Brown, Leanna Chamish, Savannah Costello, Adam C. Edwards, Judith Furlow, Jay McCarey, Chris O'Brocki, Tom Proctor, Lars Stevens, Rob Stull, David Bullet Wooters, and Mark Lassise as Shivers the Clown!
Find out more about this film here
Reviewed by Ambush Bug

First and foremost, what impresses me the most is that Kangas has made an interconnected series tying directly from the first to second film. Actors return to reprise roles, there’s character development from one film to the next, and yes, there are scary clowns. The interconnectedness is something I really miss in horror these days. Sure INSIDIOUS seems to be able to pull it off. But films like HALLOWEEN and FRIDAY THE 13TH really felt like it was something special when they ended and began anew mere moments after the last film finished. Sure, HATCHET has done it and I admire that film series as well for making such a feat work, but these two films do the same and dammit if that doesn’t impress me.

The designs of the two other clowns in the second film are equally unsettling. One, Giggles (Phillip Levine) is a cannibalistic and giggling Raggedy Andy doll come to life. The other, Ogre the Clown (Clarence McNatt) is a giant mountain of a man-brute with a giant eye painted in the middle of his forehead. The scene where the latter has a gunfight with the cops is made all the more menacing as the clown laughs robotically while blasting away with a handgun.

As the ending of FEAR OF CLOWNS 2 suggests, there may be a third film in the works with Shivers, our muscle bound clown with an axe. Here’s hoping that Kangas’ skill continues to evolve if another film is indeed in the works. If you’re patient enough to sit through some lulls and low fi rough edges, Kangas delivers some definite shivers with his FEAR OF CLOWNS series.
And finally…here’s the creepy clown of the day!

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Ambush Bug is Mark L. Miller, original @$$Hole/wordslinger/writer of wrongs/reviewer/interviewer/editor of AICN COMICS for over 13 years & AICN HORROR for 3. Follow Ambush Bug on the Twitters @Mark_L_Miller. Don’t forget to order his new comic PIROUETTE from July’s Diamond Previews (item code JUL14 0937) today!