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This Week's SATURDAY SHORTS: An Explosion of Science Fiction Greatness!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Muldoon here with this week's exciting edition of SATURDAY SHORTS, the weekly online film fest where we check out fun and interesting shorts submitted by fellow AICN readers, where there's never a shortage of interesting stuff! I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July and managed to not blow your hands off with any black market fire crackers. ("Black Snakes" are just fine for this guy.) At any rate, we've got a handful of incredible shorts for you this week and yes, I do mean "incredible." I'm insanely happy with this week's lineup and think the bulk of you folks will end up agreeing (to those who don't - you're dead to me). So if you're in the mood to hop on a space ship, time travel, or travel around in a giant robot body, then you've come to the right place. Let's sit our butts down and get this show on the road, eh?

Go grab yourself some popcorn, lock your kids in a closet, kill the lights, relax and check out this little weekly film fest we've got ourselves here!



TRT: 13:11

Ferand Peek kicks our weekend festivities off right by dropping us into a rather beautifully artificial world of "HUD meets BURIED," but set in space. "300 years in the future, a forensic accountant reviews the video stream from one mercenary's drop-pod which has been damaged during the initial stages of a colonial invasion." If you like what you see and want to check out some of the artwork from the film, or reach out to Ferand, then be sure to hit up the film's website.

Mis-drop by Ferand Peek from Ferand Peek on Vimeo.


TRT: 5:52

Whoa! Patrick Kalyn is up next with his incrediblly fun flick. "After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug - only to discover it is threatening his humanity."

MECH: HUMAN TRIALS from Patrick Kalyn on Vimeo.


TRT: 13:02

Our next film isn't exactly science fiction, but "post apocalyptic" seemed to feel right at home here, so I thought "Why the hell not? This is a pretty cool short." If anything, there are a few truly inspired designed sets in the film. Thanks to Dale Raad for sending the film in!


TRT: 10:08

Our last film of the week is Bo Mirosseni's tale of time travel from a script by Elisha Yaffe. It's a perfectly executed love child of time travel and MULTIPLICITY. Great effects, great acting... just a joy.

Time Travel Lover from Elisha Yaffe on Vimeo.

Bam! Thwack! Kapung! Explosive words for an explosive week of fun flicks! I hope you folks had some fun with these shorts. I'll see you all next week when I'm back Austin, my native habitat. Until then - keep making awesome stuff!



The Awareness; The 4th Rule of Gremlins; The Simple Carnival "Geek Like Me;" Showbiz Leech; The Fall And Rise of Mickey (1/4/14)

All's Fair; The Case of The Missing Garden Gnome; The Wizard And The Werewolf; Last Remnants (1/11/14)

La Petite Mort; Bruce Lee Played Badminton Too; Micropolar; Imperial Highway; Sigur Ros - "Varúð" (1/18/14)

The Misinventions of Milo Weatherby; Lifted; The Rinsing; Ashes; M is For Maltese (1/25/14)

Rivotanana; End Of Dates; First Date; The Last Girl (2/1/14)

Cockatoo; Hematiet; SLR; Sheridan; A Horny Ghost Named Buster (2/8/14)

Summersale; Gorilla Warfare; Steve From Accounting; M is For Mind Meld; The Godfather: A Look Back (2/15/14)

Poppetje; In Vain; The World Is Burning; The Central Park Snowman Project; Mission (2/22/14)

La Boca De Leon; Bedbug; Wax; Skin; Something (3/1/14)

Luna; Logan Must Make Star Wars; Rocco; No Strings Attached; Blessing In Disguise (3/8/14)

Plastic Love; Audrey Moon River; The Afrobats; The Flying Lesson; Strike (3/15/14)

Timeholes; Child Eater; Walter Don't Dance; Low Hanging Fruit; Love Hitch (3/29/14)

House of Thrones; The Hunt; Tumbleweed!; Tolerated; The Colour of Her Eyes (4/5/14)

#PostModem; No Help; The Hobbit Games; College Romance; Lost Voice (4/12/14)

Book 1; Compliments; Twiller Parkour #2; They Say; Bikini Girls Vs. Dinosaurs Trailer (4/19/14)

Chomp!; NSFL; In The Black; Everyone's A Comedian; Zenith (4/26/14)

Revenge of The Threesome - Star Wars Light Sabe Duel III; Four Eyes; Her Story; Eleven Dimensions; Teewhy's "Stage Name;" Pinfall Kickstarter (5/3/14)

Charlie And The Nighthawks; Fatty In Wonderland; Recurring Symptons; Don't Hug Me I'm Scared: 2 (5/10/14)

Caterwaul; First Sight; Man Vs. Woman; Say Cheese; The Train (5/17/14)

Booby Traps; Hard Love; That Guitar Man; Ask An Astronomy Brain Parasite; Dada (5/24/14)

Great Moments In Rock & Roll History (The Never Happened); Vultures In The Void; Surveillance; A Woodcutter's Tale; The Hourglass Figure (5/31/14)

State Of The Union; "Behind Enemy Lines;" Woods Baseball; Rich/Fit/Successful; As You Were; Zombie Zealot (6/7/14)

Rob Fetter's "Desire;" Sing-Song; Dead End Job; Torturous; Guided by Voices "Bad Love Is Easy To Do" (6/14/114)

Fear, Inc.; Lights Out; 2AM: The Smiling Man; Sneeze; The Music of Erika Zahn (6/21/14)

When The Zombies Come; Nice Mustache; Harry White And The Cursed Medallion; Love Connection; The Book of Joe (6/28/14)


If you have a short and think it belongs here or are on the fence about whether to send it in, please do send it in - I'd love to see what you've put together. I've already seen hundreds of fresh new filmmakers' shorts and like any good addict, I need more!

Shoot me an email at ""

In the subject line include:

“SHORTS” + “Your film’s name” + “The film’s genre”

Then, in the body of the email, please include a synopsis of the film and any contact information you might think I need or would want published. The more info you send my way, the more info there is to put with your short.

Please don’t feel the need to submit multiple times. 

Remember, the filmmakers might still be in the audience, so feel free to share your thoughts in Talkbacks below. (JUST DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE). I picked them, so you know I think highly of all of these, but how about you fine folks? How'd you like 'em?



BY THE WAY: If you've had a short featured here, that means that I personally am a fan of your work, so feel free to shoot me any kind of news on new projects/films/whatever. I can't say I'll be able to help or in what capacity, but I'm interested in your work and am always down to see more! (Keep making cool stuff, everyone!)


- Mike McCutchen


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