Hey guys! Horrorella here...
Why put just one Tom Hardy in your film when you can have two?
The first pic from the upcoming LEGEND has made its way online, showcasing Tom Hardy in both of his starring roles. The actor will be playing twins Ronnie and Reggie Kray. The brothers worked their way up through the ranks to become notorious crimelords in London's underworld in the 1960's. The film will chronicle their rise to power and subsequent fall.
LEGEND is being written and directed by Brian Helgeland, who wrote L.A. CONFIDENTIAL and has directed such films as A KNIGHT'S TALE and 42. The film is currently in production, so we don't have a ton of details yet. It is certainly an interesting project for Hardy to take on, and definitley a challenging one. Though he is certainly not afraid of challenges, having just carried the entirety of LOCKE pretty much on his own.
Check out Hardy as the Kray brothers: