Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

Watch CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER at AICN's Austin Screening this Monday!!!

Hey folks, Harry here...  All reports are coming in that THE WINTER SOLDIER is going to knock us so flat on our asses that you'll need to take a spatula to get up from your theater seat!   Well, it wouldn't be a new Marvel Studios release without an AICN screening.   Got room for about 300 of you Marvel Maniacs - This screening is this Monday, March 24th, 2014 at 7:30pm at the Galaxy Highland 10 (6700 Middle Fiskville Rd)!!!

How do you get on this screening?  Easy as can be!

Send a photo of your WAR FACE to HK at AintItCool.Com with the subject line:

I want to see Captain America Throw His Mighty Shield!!!

And include the names of those you would like to attend with & why.   I'll send emails to the winners this Sunday!!!   Then Monday night - we're gonna have the best friggin time!!!   Now - get those emails in!!!  Remember - if you don't get the subject line exactly right, your email will be lost in the matmos!  Now - let's see those war faces!!!



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