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UPDATED x2: We were duped! FAST AND FURIOUS 7 (fan made) Teaser Poster: "This is Where Roads Part"

Hey Yo, Draven here,

UPDATE: Well that was a fake Diesel Twitter account, and in turn this is a fan made teaser poster. It looks pretty good, with a plausible tagline and a decent set-up for the number 7. Our mistake though, so let us have it.

And here is our attempt to save face a little bit. Director James Wan seems to really like this fan art so maybe they should hire the person who made it. 

The original post follows:

Hey guys! Horrorella here...

We won't be seeing the new FAST & FURIOUS film until April of 2015, but in the meantime, Vin Diesel has released the first teaser poster for 7th installment via Twitter, along with an emotional endorsement:

The Fast and Furious 7 teaser poster makes me want to cry...

For a franchise built on excess and awesome, this poster really introduces the next sequel pretty elegantly.  It promises a bittersweet moment in the series, as we see O'Conner and Toretto's paths diverge, taking them in different directions - definitely in keeping with Universal's earlier announcement that this film will see Walker's character retired from the series.


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