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A New BTS Shot Of Hardy As Max!!


AICN reader Pat called our attention to a few nifty bits of media he stumbled across on the Internet.  

To date, and to the best of my knowledge, the only picture in existence of Tom Hardy as George Miller’s Max Rockatansky was THIS ONE, generously provided by our lovely source G.L. Walker.

Well, there’s another one now…and here’s a LINK TO IT.  

I’m finding a strange thing is happening as this movie gets closer and closer.  As much as I love the original MAX films and love Mel Gibson in them, I’m finding myself automatically ‘seeing’ Hardy in the role rather than Gibson when discussing the franchise.  Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon?  

The next installment - MAD MAX: FURY ROAD - was recently set for release Summer 2015 and word on the streets is it’s fueled by 190-proof Awesomesauce.  



Glen Oliver


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