Papa Vinyard here, now here's a little somethin' for ya...

The Wrap has reported that Tom Cruise is in talks to once again collaborate with his OBLIVION director Joseph Kosinski for the real-life drama, GO LIKE HELL. The project would have Cruise playing Henry Ford II (grandson of Henry I) in the early-'60s, as he schemes with then-V.P. Lee Iacocca to give their company an edge in the European car-racing circuit. Ford's chief competition in the high-speed arena back then was Enzo Ferrari, who I believe they were able to one-up with their implementation of the "Mustang" line. So Cruise would be more THE AVIATOR-y here than DAYS OF THUNDER, it seems like.
I happened to like Cruise and Kosinski's OBLIVION quite a bit, and while it didn't do terrific at the U.S. box-office (it made about $90 million on a 120 mil budget), it made over twice it's budget back worldwide. It's nice to see that even though neither JACK REACHER nor OBLIVION set the world on fire or anything, Cruise was happy enough with the results of those films to re-team with their directors again (McQuarrie's still attached to MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 5). Interestingly enough, Cruise's COLLATERAL director Michael Mann was the last dude set to helm this project, which seems like a more expected fit than Kosinski, but I'm excited to see what the TRON: LEGACY guy can do when portraying a lived-in, period environment.
If the deal works out, then we can look forward to who they cast as Iacocca and Ferrari. Both seem like they'd be high-profile, showy gigs. Could this be Tom Cruise's first Oscar-pedigree project since COLLATERAL?
-Vincent Zahedi
”Papa Vinyard”
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