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Check Out An Exclusive Clip for ADVENTURES IN THE SIN BIN!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Muldoon here with a fun little treat, a clip from Billy Federighi's new film, ADVENTURES IN THE SIN BIN. "Brian is a shy teen who loans out his van, nicknamed SIN BIN, to his friends for their sexual exploits while he remains a frustrated virgin. When he meets a helpful school mate and his girlfriend, he finds himself in an awkward love triangle while learning the art of wooing women." I have to admit "Sin Bin" sure beats the tar out of my high school car, "The Goomba." Oh... awkward teen sex romps, how I love thee. Based on the clip below, it seems like a fun time of a movie, plus it stars Bo Burnham, Michael Seater, Emily Meade, Tim Blake Nelson, and Jeff Garlin. "But Muldoon, when does this thing come out? How can I check it out? Where? When?!?!?!" The flick hits theaters and On Demand October 18th, so if you're intrigued by this clip - be sure to check the rest of the film! Or, if you're still on the fence - hit up their facebook page for more info.


But hey, feel like a bit more context? Check out the film's trailer:

Bam! So what are you guys and gals thinking about this one? I've yet to see it, but have high hopes. Shoot off your thoughts below!


- Mike McCutchen



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