Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!
Yesterday was a Stephen King adaptation and today is a Clive Barker film: Hellraiser. Nightbreed was never really my favorite, Lord of Illusions is okay, but Hellraiser I can fully get behind. It's a dirty, grimy, tonally disturbing piece of film with some of the most striking horror imagery from an era chock full of striking horror imagery.
Today's image sees Doug Bradley in the makeup chair getting his Pinhead appliance secured.
Thanks to Balazs Foldesi and the Practical Effects Group for the image. Enjoy!
If you have a behind the scenes shot you’d like to submit to this column, you can email me at quint@aintitcool.com.
One, two tomorrow’s behind the scenes pic is comin' for you.
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I've got a lot of maintenance work to do on the previous BTS articles, but you can visit two pages worth of images (beware of some broken links thanks to the last server shift): Click here for Page One and Click here for Page Two!