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I believe whatever doesn't kill the Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day simply makes it... weirder.

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

Happy Labor Day Monday, everybody. Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend and are enjoying your Monday off. I took a little personal time this weekend, so instead of blowing off today I figured I owed you this BTS pic.

Heath Ledger so completely owned the role of The Joker that every single time I see a new photo of him in makeup I have to pause and soak the whole thing in. The performance was already iconic before his untimely death which pushed his work in the movie into legendary status.

Ledger somehow brought a fresh take to one of the most well known pop culture villains, so I guess it's appropriate to post this on Labor Day... that dude always brought his A game.

So here's a little look back at The Dark Knight. That movie is 5 years old, can you believe it? Enjoy!



If you have a behind the scenes shot you’d like to submit to this column, you can email me at

Tomorrow’s behind the scenes goes a little crazy.

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I've got a lot of maintenance work to do on the previous BTS articles, but you can visit two pages worth of images (beware of some broken links thanks to the last server shift): Click here for Page One and Click here for Page Two!


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