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Lars Von Trier serves an "appetizer" clip from NYMPHOMANIAC!

Howdy do, everyone, Papa Vinyard here.

Chapter 2: Jerome
"Love is just lust with jealousy added"
Though love is a shallow feeling in the eyes of the cynical nymphomaniac, young Joe is met by forces penetrating her armoured defences.
His name is Jerôme.


Lars Von Trier has been teasing the individual chapters of his upcoming film, NYMPHOMANIAC, in order, starting with the first one and then following it up with that raunchy-ass image from Chapter 2 that we got last week. Over the weekend, he released a clip from the same Shia Labeouf-fronted second chapter, entitled "Jerome", and it shows an earlier(?) point in the relationship between Shia and Stacy Martin's young Joe. It is pretty funny, and has the former Mr. Witwicky rocking a humorous (but convincing) British accent. There is definitely a sense of sexual perversion in that look he gives her in the elevator, and his resulting reaction fits in right nice with the predatory behavior of many Von Trier male characters. I look forward to seeing how this clip leads into thatimage.



NYMPHOMANIAC cuts loose sometime in early 2014.

-Vincent Zahedi
”Papa Vinyard”
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