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NSFW proof of Shia LaBeouf's encounter with a NYMPHOMANIAC!

Howdy do, everyone, Papa Vinyard here.


To be honest, when I saw that Vulture's headline contained the words "NSFW Picture of Shia Labeouf", I didn't immediately wanna click it. I'm not the most dick-adverse dude in the world, but my (admittedly limited) affinity for Shia does not extend to me wanting to check out his man-package. However, this pic is definitely more revealing for Stacy Martin, who plays the chick getting busy with Indy Jr. in this image from Lars Von Trier's NYMPHOMANIAC. She plays a younger version of Charlotte Gainsbourg's Joe, who's rattling off her various sexual encounters to a man who swoops in and saves her from getting raped. Von Trier is totally at home with this kind of controversial, female-centric material, and I am intrigued by idea of him tackling his most sexually-charged premise to date, even if our favorite Transformer-driving tree-swinger is a part of it.


In a similar way he teased his "Chapter 1", Von Trier sets up this particular chapter of his upcoming film thusly:


Chapter 2: Jerome


"Love is just lust with jealousy added"


Though love is a shallow feeling in the eyes of the cynical nymphomaniac, young Joe is met by forces penetrating her armoured defences.


His name is Jerôme.


That's some awesome, provocative Von Trier-ness, decidedly free of empathy for Hitler for those who object to that sort of thing.



Expect NYMPHOMANIAC to arrive at your door sometime in early 2014.

-Vincent Zahedi
”Papa Vinyard”
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