Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Picture.
Ah, my lovely Evil Dead 2. You’re so good! Why are you so awesome? Don’t you know that hurts the feelings of the vast majority of the other genre flicks out there? How rude.
Hungry and playful Sam Raimi is one of my all-time favorite filmmakers. When he just has the responsibility of making a crazy fun flick and not having to make sure he’s wisely spending hundreds of millions of dollars there’s nobody that can touch him.
Today’s pic shows the impressive model of the cabin used in the film. How impressive? I wasn’t aware there was model work done in the movie until I saw this photo. A fellow by the name of James Belohovek is touching up this beauty during the making of Evil Dead 2 in the below shot.
Thanks to Elise Holmes and the Practical Effects Group for unearthing this image.

If you have a behind the scenes shot you’d like to submit to this column, you can email me at quint@aintitcool.com.
Tomorrow’s BTS pic is from an ‘80s horror sequel set in New York.
-Eric Vespe
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I’ve got a lot of maintenance work to do on the previous BTS articles, but you can visit two pages worth of images (beware of some broken links thanks to the last server shift): Click here to visit Page One and Click here to visit Page Two