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Colin Firth And Emma Stone Officially Set For Woody Allen's Latest Untitled Comedy!

Woody and Typewriter

Beaks here...

There'd been some casting rumors floating around regarding Woody Allen's next project, and, wouldn't you know it, those rumors have turned out to be largely true! Via a just-issued press release, it has been announced that Colin Firth and Emma Stone will star in Allen's untitled 2014 comedy, which will be set in the south of France. As usual, there are no plot details, and no word on who'll be populating the supporting cast.

Allen will once again team with cinematographer Darius Khondji, which worked out well for MIDNIGHT IN PARIS and TO ROME WITH LOVE. In unrelated news, this year marks the thirtieth anniversary of ZELIG. There better be some repertory screenings of this masterpiece on the way, programmers.

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