Ain't It Cool News (

‘See It??’
Hercules Has Seen Tonight’s Antepenultimate AMERICANS!!

I am – Hercules!!

The Americans 1.11 FAQ

What’s it called?
“Covert War.”

Who’s responsible?
Teleplay is credited to Joshua Brand (creator of “St. Elsewhere” and “Northern Exposure”) & Melissa James Gibson (screenwriter of the upcoming big-screen Rudd-Giamatti tree comedy “Almost Christmas”).

What says FX?
“Events in Moscow strike a personal chord for Elizabeth, leading her to take on a dangerous mission she can't complete without Philip's help, and placing the couple on a collision course with both Grannie and the FBI.”

How does it start?
“They kill us, we kill them,” allows FBI supervisor Frank Gaad. “It’s the world we live in.”

What’s doing with Martha and Clark?
Martha calls an urgent meeting.

The big news?
Lots of flashbacks this week.

What else is FX not telling us?
Wales native Matthew Rhys fleetingly dips into a British accent this week. And Soviet superspy Elizabeth Jennings gets FBI wife Sandra Beeman drunk.

What’s good?
Billy Squire and Pete Townsend. The conversations about Malish, named for a Ukranian painter. “I brought beer.” “Interesting word.”

What’s not so good?
I think it might have been more entertaining were the weaponized towel dispenser a weaponized tampon dispenser.

How does it end, spoiler boy?
“This isn’t going to go well for you, old lady.”

10 p.m. Wednesday. FX.

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