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Allieboy takes a look at BLESS THE CHILD

Hey folks, Harry here... We haven't heard all that much about this film, but from the review... I have to say that it sounds interesting. Hopefully it'll be a radical increase in quality from Basinger's last film (shudder). And I know there's a big Rufus Sewell contingent out there... And heck, from the looks of things it's got upcoming Star Wars actor Jimmy Smits... so what do ya want?

Dear Harry,

This is my first ever major writing to you. About a month ago I saw a screening of what I was told to be "the latest Kim Basinger movie". Well I decided to go thinking it was "I dreamed of a Africa" boy was I surprised to find that it was really a new film that I (or apparently anyone else) had heard of called " Bless the Child". I think that title may or may not change,however I held off thinking that I did not have the guts or the time to write a review and that maybe someone else would beat me to it. But hey, what have I got to lose? The film stars of course Kim ,Rufus Sewell ( he of the lazy eye that was photographed so distractingly that you could hear the murmurs in the audience about it),and Jimmy Smits.

The story begins with our heroine returning home after a long day at work, she is a nurse or pediatrics or something,to find her sister on her doorstep with babe in arms. They apparently haven't seen each other in years and do not get along well. The sister is a junkie and had a child that she does not who the father is nor does she care. Kim says she will help her and argues with her to get clean and the sister steals her money and runs out the door! Oh well, family reunions are not all they are cracked up to be anyway. Kim decides to keep the child (of course) and raise her until the sister comes to her senses. She herself found out years ago she could not have them . Well about 8 or 10 or something years go by( it was a month ago so cut me some slack) and this child is somewhat autistic. She only seems to relate to Kim and only then occasionally. As the doctors are telling her that there is nothing that they can do and her bills ar piling up, she discovers that the child is is some sorta psychic phenomena but she is too embarrassed to tell anyone.

Strange events happen and they seemed somewhat linked but how besides blood is anyone's guess.There is also a serial murderer of children the little girl's age taking place around the city so she has to be extra careful of that. When her sister reappears all clean and sober, with a rich new age guru as a husband (Sewell) that's when the trouble starts. Without really listening to Kim's objections they and the evil nanny take the child from the apartment and disappear. When Kim goes to the police and tells her story, she is told she has no case. Enter Jimmy Smits. He is investigating the murders and wants to bring the guru to justice (for taxes,kidnapping,brainwashing,whatever) and tries to help but Kim decides to go at it alone. Okay time for me to wrap this up,the child is the next messiah to bring many people to God and Sewell is the Devil to find her and stop her. Kim is an ex-Cathloic and Smits is a spiritual believer.

There are some really exciting special effects that were pretty much all complete. The action is alright also. I myself love spiritual slants so I liked that part. However, and it pains me to say this,Ms Basinger was not very convincing in the least! I was really disappointed in her one note emoting. Sewell is of course pretty good.Portraying a villain is always a little more easier to carry off than the the others characters. Smits will fare okay also not straying far from the proven. I wonder what would have happened if the roles had been reversed...? Oh well, sinced i haven't heard anything before or after I saw this film, it is safe to say who knows when it will be released. The only real criticism I have is that I am not an advocate of children being murdered on the screen.

I hope I didn't ramble too long and until next time (and if this accepted there will be a next time)..

Allieboy signing off!

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