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Rumor has it that Harrison Ford has chosen between those two projects! And it was the right choice!

Hey folks, over at Coming Attractions, Widgett is reporting that Harrison Ford has chosen between SUM OF ALL FEARS, his third Jack Ryan movie, and GEMINI... an awesome science-fiction/thriller film.

The report at Corona says he has chosen GEMINI (aka GEMINI MAN). If this is true, then Harrison Ford fans around the world can celebrate this decision as being a VERY VERY VERY GOOD ONE. It's not that I have anything against the Jack Ryan movie, I'm sure the script is fine and that it's a pretty darn good film waiting to be made. BUT.. GEMINI is a cutting edge thriller using the latest state of the art special effects and has a FANTASTIC SCREENPLAY behind it. The story it has going for it and the characters (yes, two of them) that Ford will play should very well make this a film that we all should shiver in anticipation for.

The next step will be to get a GREAT ACTION director in place for the film. The Wachowskis are busy, so you can't use them. John McTiernan is going to be busy doing ROLLERBALL. Robert Rodriguez will be in post production on SPY KIDS. John Woo is getting set to make WINDTALKERS. John Carpenter is directing GHOSTS OF MARS. Jonathan Mostow will be filming SECONDS. Michael Bay is on PEARL HARBOR. Steven Spielberg is on A.I. Joe Johnston is on JURASSIC PARK III. I guess that leaves Luc Besson available, but I don't believe there is a chance in hell of getting him on board. Tony Scott, to the best of my memory, is available... and possible.

There is a great fear in me that a terrible choice in director will be made... like Paul Anderson... and then all hope within me would instantly be sucked out into the cold emptiness of space.

If they do this right, we should see Harrison Ford circa STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE time period up on screen. We would be seeing a Harrison Ford that would be as young as he was in THE CONVERSATION and kicking mucho ass ta boot. And with the benefits of a really great script.

What does this mean for SUM OF ALL FEARS? Well, it'll mean that property will most likely continue to be developed with the hope of being the go project AFTER this film. However, with Spielberg, Lucas and Ford all talking about a fourth INDIANA JONES, I imagine Ford would sooner commit to that. And between the films, he'll most likely try to place a dramatic or comedic or romantic lead role... so that he's not all action. Which would most likely spell the doom of a Jack Ryan sequel, though fans can always hope.

BUT... BELIEVE ME... This was the far better choice. GEMINI is a project that the hardcore Harrison Ford fans... as well as the ones that love the Harrison from 1974 to 1986, then believe that he went downhill... will also latch on to. Be excited... this is a good one.

I'm working on confirming Coming Attractions' story, and will post a confirmation as soon as I find out, unless of course my sources say it's bunk. But this is Eisner's pet project at Disney right now, and they probably are willing to put the bank down to get Ford in place.

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