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Movie News

Carla Gugino replaces Kelly Preston in Robert Rodriguez's SPY KIDS

Hey folks, Harry here with the inside skinny on who Rodriguez cast in the last minute replacement of Kelly Preston, who is recovering from just recently giving birth. The role is as the spy kids' Mom and spywife of Antonio Banderas. Her name is Carla Guigino, most likely best known to most of you as being the lady in the midst of all the intrigue in Brian DePalma's SNAKE EYES, a film who's original cut I'd love to see. Robert had to fly up to New York and do a massive audition process, then take the lucky lady back down to Austin for filming... apparently on Monday. Whew... talk about going from unemployed to employed.... Man... That's got to be weird as all hell. Well, I've got to take on off, I've more spy work of my own to commence...

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