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Keira Knightley Gets Married To JACK RYAN!!

The Kidd here...

It looks like Chris Pine and Keira Knightley are about to be brought together in holy matrimony... sort of.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Knightley, last seen by few in SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD, is in talks with Paramount to join JACK RYAN, the prequel for the title character, now played by Chris Pine, which was previously done by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck respectively in THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (Baldwin), PATRIOT GAMES (Ford), CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER (Ford again)  and THE SUM OF ALL FEARS (Affleck). 

Knightley would play Jack Ryan's wife, who he must try to save, along with the rest of America, from a terrorist attack seeking to collapse the U.S. economy, masterminded by Kenneth Branagh, who is also directing the picture. 

LOST's Evangeline Lilly (ooohhh... disappointment) and LIKE CRAZY's Felicity Jones were also under consideration at one time, but it appears Knightley is Branagh and the studio's choice unless their negotiations break down. 


-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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