The awesome Michael Fassbender, who caught the attention of Geeks far and wide recently when playing Erik Lehnsher /Magneto in X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and the morally uncertain android David in Ridley Scott's PROMETHEUS, will star in and co-produce "Assassin's Creed," the bigscreen adaptation of Ubisoft's videogame franchise, through his DMC Film per THIS piece in Variety.
The third installment of the hugely popular game franchise will hit in a few months. Each title to date has been set in a different time frame (the Crusades, the Renaissance), this new one takes place during the Revolutionary War.
Sounds like Ubisoft will be developing the film more or less internally, then shopping it around to perspective distributors. A similar approach didn't work out so well for the Peter Jackson-produced/Neill Blomkamp-directed HALO movie project...hopefully Fassbender and Co. will meet with better results.