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The Kidd Has The Chuck Norris Blu-ray Winners!!

The Kidd here...

THE DELTA FORCE, MISSING IN ACTION and MISSING IN ACTION 2 is what was up for grabs here, and two sets containing each are going out to the best Chuck Norris facts sent my way. 

I was able to narrow it down to about six pretty quickly, because some just become quite repetitive... and really it was only a few that genuinely made me laugh. So I definitely want to give some recognition to those who were close but no cigar. I know it's not quite winning the Blu-rays, but a pat on the back saying "Good job" will have to suffice. 

  • Scott Asher - "Chuck Norris has no hair on his balls because hair can't grow on steel."
  • Dane Fioravante - "Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience."
  • Steven Johnson - "There is no theory of evolution...just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allowed to live."
  • Greg Smith - "Chuck Norris has sex with every woman on earth once a month...they bleed for a week as a result."

Now onto the winners, which really stood out as the most creative of the bunch and stood the test of making everyone else who I bounced them off laugh, too. I'm not a big fan of Chuck Norris facts, but these two winners convinced me that there might be some gems hidden within the fad. 

  • John Mason - "Chuck Norris doesn't pop his collar, his shirts get erections when they touch his skin."
  • Greg Rader - "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because Chuck Norris only recognizes the element of SURPRISE!"

Congrats to our pair of winners. You earned it, and hopefully you've earned the respect of Chuck Norris. 

Thanks to Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and MGM for setting this up, and thanks to everyone for playing. 


-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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