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Cuaron's GRAVITY Bounces To 2013...

Nordling here.

Recently we ran an early review for Alfonso Cuaron's GRAVITY that was very positive, even though a lot of effects hadn't been completed yet.  But with this crowded holiday season and with all the 3D movies coming, Warner Brothers has decided to move the film to an unspecified date in 2013.  Furthermore, due to positive reaction from the GANGSTER SQUAD trailer, that movie is now back on the roster for release in September of this year.

I'm hopeful that GRAVITY is as amazing as it sounds, and I'm sure that this move wasn't for quality purposes, but to get the effects right.  From what I've read about the movie, it sounds immersive in a way that we've rarely seen in cinema before, and I'm sure Cuaron wants everything to be perfect.  Considering his roster of work, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one, although I'm sure Sandra Bullock's people weren't too happy.  Her performance is said to be excellent and they were probably hoping for a run close to Oscar time.  That may still be possible, but my guess is we'll see GRAVITY sooner than later in 2013.  Thanks to Box Office Mojo for the info.

Nordling, out.  Follow me on Twitter!

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