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Movie News

These PROMETHEUS Photos Bring Us Numerous Headhsots And An Awesome, Tightly Space Suited Theron Ass!!



Before y'all jump my shit for being immature and objectifying women and whatever...take a look at these photos and tell me they weren't intended to make Charlize Theron look fetishistically hot as hell in a form fitting space suit. We've seen these suits already in various trailers for the film...but we've yet to see 'em filled quite like this.  

Obviously, these come from PROMETHEUS...for which EW has a new gallery of promo shots...mostly character pics...HERE.  

Theron not withstanding, I love the look of these suits.  They seem to exist somewhere between modern sports garb and classic pulp covers like this these...


...a retro homage that any trueblood Geek would be hard pressed to resist.  

PROMETHEUS opens for overseas bastards beginning the end of this month, and will arrive in the States June 8.  




Glen Oliver




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