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AICN COMICS SPECIAL: superhero alerts us to where and when you can catch Scott Shaw!’s ODDBALL COMICS Show in Hollywood!!!

Hey out there in comicland! It is I, superhero, here with a recommendation for everyone who resides in the wilds of lonely lost Los Angeles!

In recent weeks prolific cartoonist Scott Shaw! has taken his ODDBALL COMICS show, which he usually only presents to the throngs at San Diego Comic-Con, to the streets of Hollywood!

I’ve personally seen Mr. Shaw!’s show and it’s a hysterical romp through some of the loveably ridiculous oddities that have graced the covers of comic books since the beginning of the industry. It’s always a fan favorite at Comic-Con that’s packed with standing room only crowds year after year.

On the left is just a small example of the type of thing to expect from Scott Shaw!’s ODDBALL COMICS:

See what I mean?


Need to know more about the legendary Scott Shaw!? Check out my interview with him by clicking here!

So what are you waiting for?

Get on down to Hollywood and see one of the funniest comic related shows you’ll ever have the chance to see!

Oh, you need the information!

Well, click on the image to your right then!

Discovered as a babe in an abandoned comic book storage box and bitten by a radioactive comic fan when he was a teenager, superhero is actually not-so mild mannered sometime designer & cartoonist, Kristian Horn of Los Angeles, California. Some of his work can be seen at and check out his blog at You can check also out his webcomics at and, which is currently in development.

Editing, compiling, imaging, coding, logos & cat-wrangling by Ambush Bug
Proofs, co-edits & common sense provided by Sleazy G

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