Vampirewoman LINA ROMAY has died...
Published at: Feb. 25, 2012, 2:40 a.m. CST by AICNStaff
LINA ROMAY, wife & muse of Spanish filmmaker Jess Franco died at the way too young age of 57 of cancer on Feb. 15, 2012. Old Father Geek had dinner with her & Jess a couple of years ago during FANTASTIC FEST in Austin. I had a wonderful time, they were a charming, very frank, & outgoing couple. Lina especially was all I expected and could hope for. I will miss her not being with us, however we still have her 200+ screen appearances to keep us company...
Movie blogger Tim Lucas has written: "No other woman gave quite as much of herself to the fantastic cinema as Lina Romay. As Franco's muse, she inspired and facilitated as many as 200 or more films, and in many of them she withheld nothing of herself from his voracious camera, body or soul. Theirs was an ideal meeting of exhibitionist and voyeur, both giving generously to one another in one of cinema's most provocative love stories. As the years passed, Lina changed and her body changed, but it never mattered to Franco, who continued to star her and film her as if she were the most desirable woman on earth. This is not to say that Franco's adoration of her was blind; on the contrary, Lina became a skilled actress under his tutelage, acquitting herself admirably not only as vampire women and nymphomaniacs, but in roles requiring the deft touch of a light comedienne. She could carry a film without dialogue; she could be funny, tragic, insanely desirable, shocking, even embarrassing in ways that left one admiring her bravery."