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New Poster For FRANKENWEENIE is very... Tim Burtony!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. One of the bigger surprises of last year's D23 event was the Frankenweenie footage, which seemed to have all the heart, twisted humor and weirdness of Tim Burton's original short film, but in a whole different style of filmmaking. Black and White stop motion looked glorious to these eyes and I think I detected a little of that missing passion that hasn't been in Burton's more recent work.

So, this film jumped a few notches on the "I gotta see it!" scale for 2012. Now we have this poster, which I first saw at Badass Digest.

This is one of those cases of a modern movie poster actually giving us a sense of the tone and atmosphere of a film! How about that!?! I'm sure we'll see a series of just giant close ups of character's faces soon, though...



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-Eric Vespe
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