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Movie News

Have ya been going through Natalie Portman withdrawls? Malick has two heaping helpings of Natalie coming!

Hey folks, Harry here and this plastered a smile across my face...  which given the exhaustion is nothing short of a miracle today.   Natalie Portman has been spending all her post-Oscar winning time to being a mom.   That's awesome, but since there's no Mom Documentary being made...  it means that we adoring fans of her work, which has increasingly become better and better I feel...  She's gained a maturity of emotion in BLACK SWAN that was truly impressive.    Now Terrence Malick has swooned Portman into joining Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett in KNIGHT OF THE CUPS - which'll shoot first.

Mike Fleming goes on to tell us that she will follow that up by joining Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara in LAWLESS.

Now - as happy as I am to hear that Portman has lined up a couple of projects - knowing that she's shooting those projects with Terrence Malick...  well that is just oh such happy news.  The Evil Genius might not have loved TREE OF LIFE, but he's prone to fits of insanity from time to time.   Malick is operating on creative peaks in my observant brain.   

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