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Cross over, Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day. All are welcome! All welcome! Go into the light!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

Poltergeist is another one of my all-time favorite movies and another one I’ve discussed at length before, so I’ll save any broad “this is awesome-amazing!” statements and focus on the awesome picture.

This moment always got me as a kid, the decomposing skull that pops up at the doorway that causes Craig T. Nelson to let go of the rope… It’s crazy-looking and horrific. And it wasn’t even the first design for the effect, but I’ll get to that in a second.

Here’s a brilliant bit of miniature work that I couldn’t really figure out how they executed until I saw this image. To me that skull looked 10 feet tall. I never would have pegged it as a miniature.



Amazing, right? That kind of work floors me. I can’t imagine having the talent to create something like that.

Craig Reardon designed a different face for that moment, but it was nixed. Reardon actually retooled the design a few years later for a gag at the beginning of the Twilight Zone movie, but I figured you guys might want to see what was original proposed before I wrap this BtPotD up. Thanks once again to the Practical Effects Group for providing these images. Here is the original grinning face concept:



If you have a behind the scenes shot you’d like to submit to this column, you can email me at

Tomorrow’s Behind the Scenes pic comes from a less traumatic ‘80s movie… involving aliens...

-Eric Vespe
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Click here to visit the complete compilation of previous Behind the Scenes images, Page One

Click here to visit the complete compilation of previous Behind the Scenes images, Page Two

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