Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!
This year sees Christopher Nolan completing his three movie arc with The Dark Knight Rises. I really liked Batman Begins, but it was The Dark Knight that really stole my heart. However we couldn’t have gotten to The Dark Knight without the foundation set up by Batman Begins and what a foundation it is.
The casting is brilliant, the real-world focus helps ground a rather silly concept and the scope is just plain epic. Today’s image shows how Nolan used model work to help achieve that epicness.
Instead of relying on CG for a simple shot of the Tumbler racing along they used a nice bigature to keep that real-world grounding I love so much. Check it out and click to enlargen!

If you have a behind the scenes shot you’d like to submit to this column, you can email me at quint@aintitcool.com.
Here’s looking at you, tomorrow’s Behind the Scenes pic.
-Eric Vespe
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Click here to visit the complete compilation of previous Behind the Scenes images, Page One
Click here to visit the complete compilation of previous Behind the Scenes images, Page Two