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An Interesting Interview With Rick McCallum Re: EPISODE I 3D, STAR WARS Live Action TV Series ('UNDERWORLD'), RED TAILS, And More!!

Merrick here...

Referring you to an interesting discussion with STAR WARS / RED TAILS Producer Rick McCallum over at Collider.  There's a great deal of meat in the interview, but choice snippets include..


Re: EPISODE I 3D & whether any changes to the film have been made subsequent to its Blu-ray version...

McCallum: It’s the same movie in 3D.




...this is the best way to put it into perspective: we did Episode III—which is one of the larger of all the Star Wars films in relation to set construction, visual effects, the amount of visual effects and everything else—and that was made for $100 million which was unheard of even five years ago, because had it been made by any studio or anywhere in the United States it would have been easily double that price. So imagine an hour’s episode with more digital animation and more visual effects and more complicated in terms of set design and costume design than a two- hour movie that takes us three years to make, and we have to do that every week and we only have $5 million to do it. That’s our challenge


McCallum: It’s Empire on steroids.



There are any more interesting points to be found from McCallum in the piece, including some fun bits about his various cameos in the STAR WARS Prequels ("I’m flying through space screaming, and that’s me") and talk of RED TAILS - which pens in theaters Friday.  Check out the interview



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