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Oliver Stone's WASHINGTON starring Robert Redford'

Hey folks, Harry here with Deltahead reporting in on the Robert Redford GEORGE WASHINGTON film. I believe I had heard Oliver Stone attached to it before, but I'm not all that sure about it. Personally, I'm a bit curious as to what point in ol George's career we'd a be looking at. Anyways... here's Deltahead..

Hey there Harry. It is I, Deltahead. Many a Talkbacker has learned to fear my nimble mind and sharp tongue, but the last time I had a scoop, I was using a different name, which just shows how school and work can ruin a promising story-hunting career. Anyway...

I was watching PBS here in Brooklyn, NY (where the weak are killed and eaten!) and some Revolutionary War scholars were debating the Jefferson/Sally Hemmings revelations. At the close of the show, they were giving plugs for their books. One of the scholars also revealed that he was the "history editor", AKA the guy who makes sure all the historical details are right, in a Revolutionary War film starring Robert Redford as General George Washington.

The scholar, who was obviously tickled pink at being part of a movie, also dropped that Oliver Stone was a possible director.

Personally, I don't like it when so many similar films come out near to each other. A&E just finished airing "The Crossing," with Jeff Bridges as Washington, Emmerich and Mel Gibson have "The Patriot" out soon, and now this. No word on a title here, or whether it's a war story, a personal drama, or something else entirely.


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