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Movie News

Jet Li to play KATO in THE GREEN HORNET'

Hey folks, Harry here. I did some digging around after this white rabbit dropped off this note on his way to a late dinner engagement, and turned up a couple of tidbits. Jet Li has apparently agreed to play Kato, but it hinges from what I've heard upon being set up at a studio. Now, upon further research I found that the film is set up with Lloyd Levin and Larry Gordon, but that Universal has apparently passed on the project. Personally... With Jet Li as Kato, I think you have one problem... and strangely enough it is the same problem that we had when Bruce Lee played Kato... and that is making the 'alleged' sidekick approximately 300000000 times cooler than the title character. I just hope that some ideiots haven't gotten ahold of this property and done something stupid like make the Green Hornet charcacter something lame like ex-snowboarding redneck dude that must learn the calmness of his spirit by working with a gangsta rap listening Kato. If they just go to the original source material... work in some kickass mysticism... this movie would kick major ass... otherwise, trying to do some trendyass modern take on it could result in being a complete piece of shit. Of course... I'm probably just worried about nothing... listen to the white rabbit...


I was at a group discussion tonight with Mike Richardson, founder of Dark Horse. When asked what the next project coming from Dark Horse films would be, his response was "The Green Hornet." He went on to add that Jet Li was all but signed to play Kato. Nobody was mentioned for the role of the Green Hornet.

Since this film's been in development hell for as long as I can recall, I thought this was kinda big news.

Follow me, I'm the White Rabbit

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