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Britgeek here.


Anyone who has been following my posts over the last couple of months should remember my story about Jamie Benning and his ultimate making-of documentaries, or “filmumentaries” as he likes to call them. He released his three STAR WARS fan docs (STAR WARS BEGINS, BUILDING EMPIRE and RETURNING TO JEDI) to great acclaim and it's easy to see why. They take a unique approach to telling the stories of how the original films in the STAR WARS trilogy were made by combining rare footage, interviews and more that play in place of the narrative of the actual films. It's cracking stuff.


When I last mentioned Benning's amazing work, it was on the subject of his love for Indiana Jones, or more specifically, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, which has now become the centre of a whole new universe of movie magic that he has explored with his latest filmumentary, RAIDING THE LOST ARK, the second part of which has just been released on his brand new website, Interested in the ultimate RAIDERS OF THE LOST documentary? Check out the first two parts below, and head over to his website for more information, as well as his incredible look at the STAR WARS films.


I for one am hoping that JAWS is tackled next. Whaddya say, Jamie?


@jamieswb Raiding the Lost Ark: A Filmumentary - Part 1 from jambe davdar on Vimeo.

@Jamieswb / Raiding The Lost Ark: A Filmumentary - Part 2 from jambe davdar on Vimeo.









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