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Tom Arnold blabbing about TRUE LIES 2 again

Hey folks, Harry here with a report from Setec about ol Tom Arnold saying that TRUE LIES 2 will begin filming this summer. Ahem. Well... This summer, Arnold is supposed to shot... COLLATERAL DAMAGE, I thought... So... what the hell? The script hasn't been turned in yet... And believe me, there will be significant budget discussions before Mechanic let's this film go forward... TITANIC or no TITANIC, Bill is absolutely rock solid on not sticking the studio's collective neck so far out on the chopping block again. So... until there is an approved script. Until Cameron has finished making his robot and whatever other mini-projects he may be undertaking are done... I really don't see TRUE LIES 2 as shooting in the next 5-6 months... But perhaps I don't know. I do know however, that everytime anyone has talked with Tom Arnold in the last year or TWO... he has said that he's "about" to start shooting on TRUE LIES 2. We'll see...

Dear Harry or whomever may be hacking into the seabound one's mail,

Just a note from the Gateway to the Worst here in St Louis, MO. During either a fit of boredom or as the result of lead-based paint poisoning, I found myself listening to talk radio Friday morn. I chanced upon a local phone interview with Tom Arnold, the famed wit who brought us The Stoopids and...whatever else he did. Anyway, he informed the listening audience, both of us, that this summer he will be filming True Lies 2 with Jimmie Cameron and Arnold. I don't recall ever reading this project as a go while perusing AICN, so this took me by surprise. Maybe it's true, maybe Tom is doing a bit of wishful publicizing, maybe I need to lay off the Liquid plumr. Whatever the case, hope this prooves helpful (or at the very least an amusing bit of time wasting drivel.

Setec Astronomy

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