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THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Takes Over New York City!

Nordling here.

I've been reticent about posting more DARK KNIGHT RISES stuff.  I'm certain you want to see it, of course.  But we get into a tricky area where there's a whole bunch of news on a highly anticipated film, and I really want to know very little about the finished product until I see the film (or at least a trailer).  So I'm just going to offer up some videos, without comment or analysis, and let you good folks run with it.  Suffice it to say, I'm really excited to see the film, and from the stills and the videos, it looks like this is going to be a huge capper to the series.  I for one am glad that Christopher Nolan is ending this story instead of going on ad infinitum with it - I'm certain Warners will reboot the character anyway, so Nolan getting story closure on this is a great thing, in my opinion.

So the shoot's moved to New York, and some of the largest set pieces of the film seem to be taking place there.  Here's some of the videos, courtesy of Comic Book Movie, again, without comment, because I won't be watching them:

And here's some stills,

Here's some shots taken from some readers, Gregory and Carey:

So there you have it.  THE DARK KNIGHT RISES has invaded New York.  And I'm over here in the corner going "La la la" with my fingers in my ears...

Nordling, out.

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