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UPDATE: Learn Who Returns!! S23: Russell Hantz’ Nephew To Compete In SURVIVOR XXIII Against A Hot Lingerie Footballer And Two Returning Players!!

UPDATE!! CBS confirms what talkbackers have known at least since Monday: the two veterans returning this season are deluded dragonmaster Ben "Coach" Wade and Tarzan-like porn vet Ozzy Lusth. This is the third season for both players.

Both men got far in their prior seasons, each getting at least as far as the jury twice.  Ozzy came in second place behind Yul Kwon in season 13.

I am – Hercules!!

Russell Hantz’ nephew, Texas-based gun-happy Jesus-loving teen father and oil tanker crewman Brandon Hantz, will compete in this fall’s 23rd edition of “Survivor,” CBS announced Monday.

His fellow competitors will include two who have played the game on an earlier edition. Their identities (both male apparently) will be revealed later this week.

Also back this season is Redemption Island, where evicted cast members can battle each other for a shot at returning to the game.

The new players include a a pot dealer, a retired NYPD detective, a country singer, a mortician, a Harvard law student, a Brigham Young University professor, a girl who plays football in her underwear and a guy named Rick Nelson who somehow wasn’t tapped for CBS’ much shittier reality show “Same Name.” Here’s what the girls look like:

Mikayla Wingle (22)
Tampa, Fla.
Lingerie Football Player

Sophie Clarke (22)
Willsboro, N.Y.
Medical Student

Semhar Tadesse (24)
Los Angeles
Spoken Word Artist

Elyse Umemoto (27)
Las Vegas
Dance Team Manager

Whitney Duncan (27)
Nashville, Tenn.
Country Music Singer

Edna Ma (35)
Los Angeles

Christine Shields Markoski (39)
Merrick, N.Y.

Dawn Meehan (41)
South Jordan, Utah
BYU English Professor

Stacey Powell (44)
Grand Prairie, Texas

Descrptions of the fellows:

Brandon Hantz (19)
Katy, Texas
Oil Tanker Crewman

John Cochran (24)
Washington, D.C.
Harvard Law Student

Albert Destrade (26)
Plantation, Fla.
Baseball/Dating Coach

Keith Tollefson (26)
Edina, Minn.
Water Treatment Tech

Jim Rice (35)
Medical Marijuana Dispenser

Mark Caruso (48)
Forest Hills, N.Y.
Retired NYPD Detective

Rick Nelson (51)
Aurora, Utah
Occupation: Rancher

New episodes return to CBS Sept. 14.

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