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An Animated DARK KNIGHT RETURNS In The Works?

Nordling here.

Looks like Frank Miller and Klaus Janson's masterpiece, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, is going to be a film - an animated one, but still, we'll get to see it in action.  According to Bleeding Cool, the same team that brought us ALL-STAR SUPERMAN and the upcoming BATMAN: YEAR ONE is working on bringing it to life.  YEAR ONE is already close to finished, and after that, they'll be working on adapting TDKR.

I'm assuming that they will receive some kind of video release, but if there's any Batman story that deserves to be shown in theaters, it's THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS.  Hopefully it's a straight adaptation, and if Warner Animated doesn't pull any punches, it would be rated R, but I'd bet that's not going to happen.  So I say let's get this into theaters, animated, just like MASK OF THE PHANTASM was.  Nothing wrong with the made-for-DVD releases the DC Animated team's made so far - they're all quite good.  But THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS is as huge a comics work as WATCHMEN, and if you're going to adapt it, you should go all the way.  It's too big not to be in theaters, in my opinion.

And hey, Clint Eastwood's under WB.  Just saying...

Nordling, out.

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