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Have You Been To THE TREE OF LIFE Website Yet?

Nordling here.

After SUPER 8, this is my most anticipated film of the summer.  Terrence Malick's THE TREE OF LIFE, starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, and Jessica Chastain, seems enigmatic and mysterious.  Ostensibly it's about a man (Sean Penn) dealing with his childhood and his overbearing father (Brad Pitt), but there's so much amazing imagery in the trailer and early reviews are comparing it to 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY.  At this point, no one is quite sure what the film is about, and I love that.  A Malick film is always something to be celebrated, and as I'm a sentimental guy this film seems tailor-made for my sensibilities.

The website for the film is now live, at and right off the bat we're given some of the amazing visuals of the film.  You can choose two paths on the site - The Father's Way and The Mother's Way, and each path has little snippets of scenes and images from the film.  Each scene has an intriguing title that doesn't reveal much - titles like "Our sun has become a white dwarf. A remnant of the earth trails behind it." or "All a chaos" or "They do not endure by maintaining their rigidity."  The scenes seem to have little or no dialogue.  For some this all may come across as pretentious, but for me it's fascinating.  I have no idea what to expect from this film, and that's just the way I like it.  THE TREE OF LIFE will be released this summer from Fox Searchlight.

Nordling, out.

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